Main Page
We help you make good financial decisions by tuning out the noise and focusing on just a handful of simple, core principles that have proved successful over time. Although they are simple, following them is not always easy.
If this is your first visit, begin at "Getting started" below.
Regular visitors may want to look at our new articles.
Getting started

For US investors:
- Getting started - Start here.
- Investment philosophy - Our investment principles.
- Investing start-up kit - A top-down approach to start investing.
- Investment policy statement - Identify your investment objectives and how you plan to meet them.
- Prioritizing investments - Choosing where to save your investing money, such as an employer's retirement plan or a savings account.
For non-US investors:
- Getting started for non-US investors - Start here.
- Investment philosophy for non-US investors - Our investment principles.
- Investing start-up kit for non-US investors - A top-down approach to start investing.
- Outline of non-US domiciles - Overview of topics specifically for non-US investors.
Personal finance

Personal finance covers not only investing, but day-to-day finances, budgeting, insurance, taxes, estate planning, and retirement.
For US investors:
- Personal finance planning start-up kit - Start here.
- Financial planning - The first thing you should do.
- Household budgeting - Understand how much you make and how much you spend.
- Emergency fund - Have cash on-hand for life's unexpected events.
- Insurance - Auto, home, medical
- Estate planning - Be prepared when bad things happen.

Retirement is a major event in many people's lives. It is not only a lifestyle change, but a change in income and spending.
Planning for this life-changing event is important.

- Retirement planning start-up kit - Start here.
- Preparing for retirement - Steps you should take before retiring.
- Retirement policy statement - Lay-out your retirement plans and strategies.
From today's featured article
An Investment policy statement (IPS) is a statement that defines your general investment goals and objectives. It describes the strategies that you will use to meet these objectives, and contains specific information on subjects such as asset allocation, risk tolerance, and liquidity requirements.
Alternatively, you could consider using a simpler investing plan (see below):
- If you find creating a full Investment Policy Statement too complex
- If your investment objectives do not justify the effort needed to create an Investment Policy Statement (more...)
This week in financial history
- 1997 - The Standard & Poors 500 index closed over 800 for the first time in history on February 12,1997. Source: Closing milestones of the S&P 500 Index
February 14:
- 2009 - Our sister Canadian wiki, finiki, the Canadian financial wiki, made its debut. Source: finiki:About - finiki, the Canadian financial wiki
February 15:
- 1971 - Britain adopted the new decimal currency, replacing the old system of pounds shillings and pence that had been used for centuries. Source: 15 February 1971: Decimal Day – Britain adopts decimal currency
February 16:
- 1659 - The earliest modern British cheque was made payable to Mr Delboe for the grand sum of £400, or roughly £48,000 in today’s money. It was dated "16th of February 1659" by merchant Nicholas Vanacker, to be drawn on City bankers Messrs Morris and Clayton. Source: 16 February 1659: the first British cheque
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Sister projects
Our Canadian sister site, Financial Wisdom Forum, and its wiki, finiki, the Canadian financial wiki, has a similar focus with many like-minded members, and you might also find this site interesting.
We also have a sister site in Spain, Bogleheads® España (en español).