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Bogleheads® is the title adopted by many of the investing enthusiasts who participate in this site. The term is intended to honor Vanguard founder and investor advocate John Bogle.

The Bogleheads® emphasize starting early, living below one's means, regular saving, broad diversification, simplicity, and sticking to one's investment plan regardless of market conditions.

This site is composed of two primary resources: our Wiki and our Forum.

The Wiki is a comprehensive investing and personal finance reference that was built and is maintained by members of the Bogleheads® community. Many newcomers find that a good way to begin is by reading these Wiki articles: Getting Started and the Bogleheads' investment philosophy.

On the Forum, members discuss financial news and theory. The members also welcome less experienced investors who have questions about investing or who need help to develop their portfolios. The most recent Forum posts are summarized below.

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1473 new posts and replies over 208 topics in last day (sorted by subforum). Days: 1 2 3
# Replies Subforum - Topic TitleFirst Last   
Subforum - TopicLast   
4hSavings Bonds08:55 63humber09:14 steadyosmosis
6hAdvice & comments on de-risking a portfolio12/29 779109:12 7791
25hHave any retirees here invested in TIAA traditional annuity? Any regrets?14:14 ultrastar09:07 chemocean
8hEndorse? David Giroux, T. Rowe Price Capital Appreciation07:01 dagsboro09:04 Jack FFR1846
8hWhich international holding in my 401k?08:11 RXfiles09:00 7791
9h?Feedback from my financial advisor?23:20 macinmoz08:57 retiredjg
18hSimple IRA and Roth IRA limitation questions01/14 AK5908:44 Ret2018
60hShould I pay off my mortgage?01/17 Thor6208:41 protagonist
88h401k with no employer match2022 afr08:40 afr
18hwhat would be the best option for me to invest in vanguard?01/18 animalgirl12308:24 rkhusky
1h32 Year Old Looking to Rebalance22:41 stampa08:24 CyclingDuo
10hVBTLX invest now or wait a few weeks?01/19 Healthiseveryth08:07 sycamore
16hTrying to get more return by taking more risk when stock market plunges13:31 freshwater53308:07 bberris
3hLump sum pension with tips or monthly - how to calculate?09:32 retire57nh08:01 Watty
16hMoney Market Funds vs T-Bill Funds18:14 Zakayla08:00 sycamore
15hTIPS ladder to SS, does this make sense ?11:42 retirewithjoy07:50 dbr
8hThe Standard 401k ticker symbol FXAIX01/17 AnswerMan07:39 sycamore
15hDoes anyone use the Merton Share?12/25 DesertInvestor07:29 nisiprius
7hCash dividends vs Qualified dividends06:18 A44007:21 jebmke
3hWhat account to deposit money in?01/17 grenadaRocks07:06 sycamore
6h35 Year Olds - What asset allocation is best for the next 10 years?01/19 Kas3bla06:24 dogagility
7hReady to Go Solo: Transitioning from Buckingham to DIY Investing21:01 billted05:29 dogagility
35hsanity check on a possible real estate investment13:43 Roothy05:14 mchampse
0hTax reporting on TIPS question. New Issue/Reopening at Auction vs. Secondary Market vs. Funds04:52 nassau34 
42hMega Backdoor Roth 401k logistics with Empower2023 username1921503:50 dalbright
9hStruggling with limitied tax-advantaged space01/17 BFRAME03:39 BFRAME
5hInherited spousal IRA and QCDs16:21 CedarWaxWing02:13 celia
11hSwitching to 100% stocks17:47 geocache5901:34 rossington
153hAre we done saving for college?07/14 topofthebellcur00:21 MoreTaxes
8hPortfolio Review for upcoming retirement and advice for simplification16:04 SRM00723:57 Wannaretireearl
11hNewbie just starting out13:50 Affiliate109923:46 Affiliate1099
3hEarly retirement direct rollover tax question13:22 Titansub23:04 enad
17hDIY fan (considering paying for advice)01/18 mass_biker22:55 murrays
9hBond funds and looking for a hedge01/19 bowerynation8622:40 bowerynation86
10hWash sale whoopsie and clarification01/19 breakfastinbed22:30 boomer_techie
9hdividends14:55 filbert21:49 dratkinson
27hVanguard service issue - unable to redeem to checking01/04 runner54021:44 rkhusky
9hConvince retirees stocks [Convince this retiree to invest in stocks]01/20 newport21:19 arcticpineapple
5h[CD about to mature - What to invest in?]13:35 June202321:19 Johm221122
6hsuccess rate of a portfolio based on MC simulation18:14 Cincy_198820:50 Cincy_1988
43hDipping my toes into TIPS01/17 Vinny_in_NJ20:43 hudson
3hPortfolio Review for Aging Parents13:10 photohistorica20:39 Sandi_k
62hAcquaintance invested in a private placement [ROMTech] that I suspect is a scam. Can the money be retrieved?2023 scintillator20:38 snackdog
33hHow to transfer HSA without fees?01/05 joneeboy300020:32 dcabler
98hHighly concentrated stock positions & seeking feedback (AAPL, GOOGL)2023 indexin9920:05 shess
12hAsset Allocation for 1% Withdrawal & Scratching an Itch14:19 sponge19:31 jdibber
25hFinancial Advisors - Are they worth it?09:50 rcmx19:03 hoofaman
6hHelp with getting to a 3 fund portfolio01/14 jeljohns17:51 bonesly
2hAsset Location within Allocation in Retirement01/18 MishaM17:23 MishaM
15hAdvice for a 20 year old entering their first job01/19 blobplop17:21 enad
6hPortfolio Review - Need Another Opinion/Perspective01/16 hauge77717:19 bonesly
11hPortfolio Review for Elementary Teacher01/16 wishful_thinkin17:03 Saintor
13hTSP move all out ?01/15 mdshumaker16:24 Old Guy
12hTake money from HSA for Roth or leave in HSA?2022 wolfofthenight16:21 Rob Relyea
19hOnce you hit FIRE, how do you withdraw 4%? Quarterly or annually? or something else?01/18 andysnp16:14 Cletus Davenpor
6hOpinions please on rollover IRA allocation2023 779116:10 7791
9hVanguard wealth management14:01 itnetpro15:42 itnetpro
49hBest way to grow what little I have? (Starting solo at 50)01/18 cdallas15:02 bogling
7hFirst time withdrawal from brokerage -- estimate taxes/ capital gains?09:44 fabis13:31 steadyosmosis
7h60/40 portfolio, question about one-fund IRA and taxable01/19 steveosteveo12:40 sycamore
0hAbout rollover 401k12:39 Mgj 
10hPortfolio Review - Transition into Retirement01/17 feslty12:26 feslty
7hVanguard reports a redeemed TIPS01/18 statman12:19 ofckrupke
24h75 year old newly retired Fidelity fund choices07/04 WorkToLive12:17 Harmanic
20h[Just retired from the military, need] a full financial analysis01/16 HJ1412:12 warner25
3hInvesting/portfolio advice for aging parent01/20 azarin11:57 stan1
8hEstate Planning for Parent10:10 magua11:04 bombcar
36hMy portfolio was all sold to cash accidently!!01/18 danhas2610:45 dhowardaia
3hTSP Extracting Non-Taxable and Roth to VG - My Journey01/01 mouth10:34 mouth
4hCan you contribute to 2024 Roth IRA if you've already filed taxes for 202409:38 Cranberry4410:17 bombcar
7hInherited IRA - Can You Move TIPS In-Kind01/19 david7909:30 jeffyscott
36tActual Return of an investor's 60/40 portfolio01/20 KlangFool09:12 jdibber
93tWhy hold TIPS at all? Why not I Bonds instead?11/11 Helium09:11 Richard1580
220tWhat Part of "Stay the Course" is So Hard for People to Understand?01/18 White Coat Inve09:10 dbr
27t"Experts Forecast Stock and Bond Returns: 2025 Edition" - Christine Benz, Morningstar01/19 Xexanoth09:09 nisiprius
52tVGSH or rolling ladder of T-Bills?01/15 Richard158008:37 Richard1580
96tWho are your must-read BH posters, and why01/19 Rocinante Rider08:37 OpenMinded1
40tRob Berger tested out Monte Carlo on Boldin, Pralana and Project Lab12/12 gavinsiu08:27 smitcat
33tBest way to advise about AUM hype?01/19 rustwood08:21 gavinsiu
12tBox spread options approval01/15 Patrick58408:06 pathikrit
0tWilliam Sharpe’s advice for younger investors?07:37 TrustTheMarket 
68tHow to Pay Next-to-Nothing in Taxes During Retirement01/16 GrilledSardines07:23 VanGar+Goyle
83tBonds in 2022: are you scarred? (scaRRed, not scaRed)01/19 gunny07:07 HomeStretch
16tM1Platform12:03 Kmakkiya06:41 CyclingDuo
15t[2023 Taxes] Vanguard U.S. government obligations income information2024 b4nash06:41 RickBoglehead
1310tTotal Portfolio Allocation and Withdrawal (TPAW)2020 Ben Mathew06:32 bynomial
61tStocks for the Long Run? Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.2023 McQ06:03 Mr. Rumples
4tGlobal Stock Bond portfolio with a “recession sensitive tilt”11:40 TrustTheMarket02:37 Bogluigi
1126tShiller PE now near 39 - 2nd highest ever10/02 RationalWalk20:27 watchnerd
6tCapital gains tax and mutual funds or ETFs01/18 Friend5020:17 grabiner
138t[Advisors are pressured by Fidelity to put Clients in more expensive investments]12/02 Dufus19:25 nedsaid
3960tThe Three-Fund Portfolio2012 Taylor Larimore19:22 Taylor Larimore
14tSimplify my portfolio01/19 CWRadio19:13 Random Musings
8581tInternational (Non-US) versus US Equities (The "Arguments")2023 CraigTester18:47 Nathan Drake
1340tVanguard Cash Plus Account2024 stan117:46 stan1
64tAre you ready for the crash? change allocation?01/19 deepvalleys17:18 Richard1580
4t"Hedge-Fund Fees Eat Up Half of Clients’ Profits"01/20 timmanser16:18 afan
37tPsychology and utility of 4% rule01/18 Plainviews15:54 rogue_economist
4043tNow that long TIPS yields have again breached 2.50% I will…2022 McQ15:38 dogagility
0tDifference between High Rate & Investment Rate on Treasuries15:30 soretired 
9728tThe Final, Definitive Thread on Brokerage Transfer Bonuses2016 Earl Lemongrab13:28 spammagnet
80tVanguard fined > $100 million (target date funds)01/17 ResearchMed13:19 arcticpineapple
6tVPAS and Vanguard TVAA12/24 Cannibly11:36 LadyGeek
51t"System issue impacting deposits, payments and transfers"--Capital One01/16 nisiprius11:20 criticalmass
137tWith interest rates this high are you increasing your equity return expectations?2023 CletusCaddy11:15 MathWizard
10tWhy municipal bonds aren't always a good buy01/17 jec1ny11:07 Valuethinker
9pFired Accountant. Saved $4000 doing taxes myself01/19 optimize_daily09:14 neilpilot
6pRoth Contribution Question08:08 HighLonesome09:13 retiredjg
132pRMD Tax Withholding2024 bucky622509:13 neilpilot
19pEOY Report on Personal Finances for Spouse01/13 BattyNatty09:08 tibbitts
23pDelay some earnings to pursue my dream?20:41 mermlund09:06 Wannaretireearl
47pIRS PIN for the taxation year 2024 [Available Again 1/6/2025]01/06 student09:04 JayB
8pSetting up a 1099 or S-Corp business01/19 Wannaretireearl08:58 worthit
8416pBank of America/Merrill Edge - Preferred Rewards2014 navyitaly08:55 exodusNH
7pUnderstanding California Trust Pros/Cons01/05 MagnaTiles78908:55 quantAndHold
4pTurboTax 2025 does not install on second computer22:38 Copernicus08:53 Kagord
11pWho sends K-1s from trusts?15:42 MIZCHI08:51 HomeStretch
0pNew home purchase08:49 DracoMagister 
59pWife's New Trust Fund - Should I Protect My Assets Too?01/19 curiousgeorge1508:43 Van
8pspouse contribution to solo 401k01/19 muel8708:36 muel87
40pReimburse HSA and invest in brokerage for step-up basis inheritance?01/17 Tom1545208:24 cks
0pVanguard - distributions from estate trust to beneficiaries - some issues08:19 brianonearth 
7pGifting kids 2X19k plus 100k towards house purchase20:26 Copernicus08:18 JazzTime
13pHelp! I'm now a trustee and beneficiary of an irrevocable trust - what do I do next?18:33 synapticgap500008:11 bsteiner
31pFinal Social Security Payment2023 boatdriver7907:54 vested1
20pHow much home can afford with baby otw01/20 Bhairston201807:46 Onlineid3089
281pH&R Block 2024 software offer10/22 LadyGeek07:30 bberris
8pPersonal Umbrella Premium up 150%21:47 heallytim07:25 LikeNumbers
50pDid I underestimate the power of pensions?01/18 RL101307:13 humblecoder
20pDepositing checks to a trust account01/19 snic06:07 snic
2pAn Anecdotal Experience of Household Spending20:08 EricGold05:31 oldcomputerguy
2pClosing down S Corp21:00 Bunty03:40 doobiedoo
24pFavorite financial tools?12/27 itnetpro00:55 ScubaHogg
4844pShare your net worth progression2014 techcrium00:03 Atretes1
12p1099 income/S corp guidance/resources05/04 Petr8923:35 Wannaretireearl
6pTraditional IRA01/17 4091bear22:37 steadyosmosis
10pWhich withdrawal strategy maximizes expected retirement lifetime income?01/19 Vulcan021:49 ReadyOrNot
3pConflicting Answers on Inherited IRA RMD's18:24 kpo202421:35 HomeStretch
45pHelp! My late father bought me a variable universal life insurance policy when I was 8. I'm 45 now and it's still going.11/05 NeoNeo21:31 Chardo
5pTSP from traditional to Roth01/17 geocache5921:25 arcticpineapple
200p2025 - Where do you bank and why?01/01 holeintheairmat20:44 BUBear29
13pTax advice: I'll work for life01/19 Streptococcus20:43 Streptococcus
21pYear in Hawaii: where to call home?01/18 cfaboy20:13 typical.investo
5pSocial Security earnings in death year13:47 throwaway153519:57 ssel
6pPlanning Software/Spreadsheet that models S Corp income01/20 rutrow201518:20 rutrow2015
16pHelp with Solo 401k for S Corp01/18 bambambigelow18:09 loxbagels456
19pShould We Pay Down Our Mortgage or Keep Paying as Is?01/18 lepegasus17:36 doobiedoo
32pHow to handle mortgage after house burned down01/17 mispledwaiter16:31 White Coat Inve
5pLong-term disability insurance for expat11:20 Rocinante Rider15:54 BruDude
5pAdvice-Only Planner Knowledgeable About Federal Employee?11:13 SierraRainShado15:54 SierraRainShado
600pTurboTax 2024 software offer11/05 idenbglhd15:18 Jeepergeo
7pNeed Advice: Managing Contractor Payments After Receiving a UCC Lien Notification12:59 Bunty14:48 LadyGeek
7pDeluxe or Premier TurboTax for tax filing (estimated tax payment and 30-year mortgage)?13:46 argees14:44 HereToLearn
285pFidelity free/$5 Turbotax 202412/04 TheRealJohnDoe14:32 feh
5pIn Between Jobs: Asking for Advice and Experience01/18 btq96r14:28 btq96r
3pExcess HSA contribution in 2024, but FreeTaxUSA isn't generating Form 532914:03 telemark14:23 dcabler
15pBest way to transfer large amount of money from bank to bank01/19 MikeWillRetire14:11 MikeWillRetire
5pHSA contribution when on Cobra? Possible? Worth it? Contribution rate?11:34 scorp_pccorp13:48 Dufus
5p[UPDATE] High income relative to net worth ... When to quit?11:46 Livehard123412:17 Cyclesafe
7pRMD Move Money Out Now?01/19 HighLonesome12:11 cas
14pRule of 55 and taking a gap year01/13 Catmom200012:02 sailaway
9p401k failed ADP (average deferral percentage)01/19 Fresh Air12:00 wishIknewbackwh
4pTax Planning - Withholding - Big Drop in Income01/19 rholt11:59 rholt
20pThoughts on a career path forward?01/19 MikeZ11:46 KlangFool
6pDependent Care FSA - Matching Care and Contribution Dates (mid-year job change)01/20 DarkHelmetII11:43 MP123
29pSolar Farm01/18 Devil's Advocat10:03 Spencer
9pTo file or not file (an insurance claim)01/19 BFR09:30 BFR
33nBoosting UK Basic State Pension (catching up missing years)04/29 Valuethinker07:30 Valuethinker
6cJason Hand Soap Replacement08:12 KlangFool09:11 arcticpineapple
6837c[What TV Show Have You Recently Watched?]2016 dbCooperAir09:07 Blues
96cMoving to San Diego from Sleepy Low Cost Area03/03 JustGotScammed08:59 cowbman
47cRadon testing and mitigation2023 Triple digit go08:59 557880yvi
3cUnited Airlines Travel Credit Problem22:38 hesalefty08:23 JD09
34chelp someone from CA travel from Baltimore to Savannah in May01/18 lomarica0108:20 jebmke
10cCar dealer prices, small vs. big towns01:45 psteinx08:04 DarkHelmetII
13cVendors for NAS hard drive20:48 gavinsiu08:03 Silverado
18cModeling School for Pre-teen in Washington State01/19 Cruise07:29 vested1
309cHow do you utilize AI (artificial intelligence)?2023 tetractys07:15 MrNarwhal
15cHEPA Air Purifiers - how often to change filters01/11 Caduceus07:08 MorgansRun
68cMight need to replace car: are used Tesla's the value play right now?02/22 MikeZ05:54 z0r
29cNew 2025 Tesla Model Y01/11 YeahBuddy05:08 hunoraut
16cAudiophiles- Separate control of 5 sets of ceiling speakers [Update]01/10 chemocean23:52 chemocean
12739cWhat Movie Have You Recently Watched?2014 abuss36823:07 jginseattle
35cOperating a car in cold weather01/20 LaurenRose22:56 Sprucebark
2cDFW Remodeling: design/build? Budget?21:47 runner54022:36 Pennywise Pound
4cRestaurant Apps? InKind?01/20 LaurenRose20:24 techbud
8c20s fund for your kids16:39 Hillview18:30 mhc
1677c[On-going Scams - Post them here]2019 ketanco17:43 scrabbler1
7cSeeking Advice on Installing a Stairlift for Stairs with a U-Turn01/19 siankisr17:40 CapeLinda
5308cWhat frugal thing did you do today?2017 Nectarineman16:58 Beensabu
7946cWhat are you listening to now2020 Artful Dodger16:45 7791
34cHave any of you had a hair transplant? If so, were you happy with the results?01/19 max7916:30 MrBobcat
8502cWhat Book Are You Currently Reading? Part VI2014 Alex Frakt15:32 yankees60
53cSkiers - plan of action for first time skier01/16 YeahBuddy14:58 White Coat Inve
16cWashing synthetic 'workout clothes': laundry detergent residue?01/17 rjbraun13:58 FeralCat
65cBecoming Florida Resident01/16 Mr. Potter13:37 smitcat
191cHow Do You Make The Best Cup Of Coffee?12/13 RJC13:16 Elsebet
108cShould we keep our landline phone?01/17 goshenBogle12:40 Northern Flicke
36cHow to relocate01/17 jjgaucho12:39 baconavocado
1259cSo what are you cooking2020 Skeeter112:11 just frank
53cPay for engine replacement or sell for big loss01/18 eye.surgeon11:16 Carguy85
65cBest Friend wants to leave car at our place wo insurance09/15 McNair09:43 Tundrama
38bSad news - Barry Barnitz04/04 LadyGeek22:47 btq96r
236bRoll Call for the Retirement Class of 2024!2023 Miriam215:17 black jack
24bStinky has 16,000 posts01/14 nedsaid09:16 mkc
256lMaster thread for Washington DC Area Bogleheads2014 grabiner19:38 grabiner
13fA reminder of why we support this site01/20 Valuethinker08:39 LadyGeek
474fPlease Try Out Test Posts Here2007 tfb11:32 grok87

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h = Personal Investments
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