Bogleheads® is the title adopted by many of the investing enthusiasts who participate in this site. The term is intended to honor Vanguard founder and investor advocate John Bogle.
The Bogleheads® emphasize starting early, living below one's means, regular saving, broad diversification, simplicity, and sticking to one's investment plan regardless of market conditions.
This site is composed of two primary resources: our Wiki and our Forum.
The Wiki is a comprehensive investing and personal finance reference that was built and is maintained by members of the Bogleheads® community. Many newcomers find that a good way to begin is by reading these Wiki articles: Getting Started and the Bogleheads' investment philosophy.
On the Forum, members discuss financial news and theory. The members also welcome less experienced investors who have questions about investing or who need help to develop their portfolios. The most recent Forum posts are summarized below.
Post ListingsView subforum list
1449 new posts and replies over 223 topics in last day (sorted by Latest Reply). Days: 1 2 3 |
# Replies Subforum - Topic Title | First | Last |
Subforum - Topic | Last | |
16 | h | Portfolio Review Request | 11:08 | bogleboy | 16:47 Duckie |
4 | t | Sheryl Garrett sells her Garrett Planning network | 06/21 | JAZZISCOOL | 16:46 USAFperio |
23 | t | Fear, not risk, explains asset pricing | 02/13 | McQ | 16:46 McQ |
14 | h | Need portfolio review and retirement advice please | 02/13 | sivpar | 16:45 Wiggums |
9 | p | Additional Medicare Tax - not getting adjustment in TaxAct amended return | 14:10 | adamsdp | 16:44 toddthebod |
21 | p | FICA optimization for an S-Corp | 20:28 | SeattleSTR | 16:43 SeattleSTR |
1 | p | Can I skip to File Taxes for a $1000 Capital Gain on My Child’s UTMA/UGMA Account in Federal and NJ? | 16:35 | sharukh | 16:43 secondcor521 |
172 | c | Best watch for $5,000+ | 2020 | LadyGeek | 16:41 BillyK |
76 | p | Critical mass? Not saving another dollar (in theory) | 02/14 | TarHeel2002 | 16:41 warner25 |
243 | t | “100% stocks for retirement? A new study says dump the 60/40 portfolio and target-date funds.“ | 02/13 | TrustTheMarket | 16:39 Hot Sauce |
0 | c | Using US Mobile in Mexico? | 16:39 | LaurenRose | |
4 | p | How do I file IRS Form 709 (Gift Tax Return)? | 14:03 | cppat | 16:38 toddthebod |
85 | c | What to outsource? Willing to trade money for more time | 05/19 | Hubub | 16:38 FIRWYW |
70 | f | [Bogleheads forum site access issues] | 02/15 | iim7V7IM7 | 16:34 FriedOkra |
522 | t | Covering the TIPS gap years with bracket year duration matching | 05/22 | Kevin M | 16:30 MtnBiker |
23 | p | Might be getting fired, what do do between now and then, and after? | 12/06 | GetItRight | 16:29 HomeStretch |
3 | h | Portfolio Review & Advice – TSP Roll-Out | 02/09 | Casey99 | 16:29 Casey99 |
5 | p | Buying a condo for aging parents - tax/financial issues? | 13:50 | GreenBoston1981 | 16:27 260chrisb |
9 | h | Transferring inherited Edward Jones account to Vanguard | 11:54 | DeaconSig | 16:24 FGal |
12 | h | 100 Baggers? | 14:28 | billted | 16:23 Cocoa Beach Bum |
20 | c | Cash Back Credit Card for Online Shopping | 2023 | raveon | 16:22 anon_investor |
8 | t | I-bonds VS TIPS: Is the Lower Fixed Rate Worth the Tax Advantage? | 13:25 | ultrastar | 16:22 jeffyscott |
2492 | t | Variable Percentage Withdrawal (VPW) | 2013 | longinvest | 16:21 FiveK |
12955 | c | What Movie Have You Recently Watched? | 2014 | abuss368 | 16:20 bertilak |
6 | c | Attic and home insulation | 14:55 | boglegardener | 16:16 Cletus Davenpor |
35 | p | Most cost effective way to exchange $1200 to Euros | 02/14 | Myopic squirrel | 16:14 neilpilot |
21 | p | H&R block 1099 question re: dividends | 02/08 | Tom_T | 16:13 urban |
44 | h | Should owning a vacation property be seen as diversification | 02/15 | Stanczyk | 16:12 1hotjava |
36 | t | “Never Enough” by Jonathan Clements | 02/15 | CalPoppy | 16:11 Wannaretireearl |
67 | t | Boglehead Method for Achieving 8-Figures Plus | 09:38 | BizarroJerry | 16:09 Goof |
22 | c | MacBook Air - buy new, fix, or just keep using | 02/15 | mbres60 | 16:07 YeahBuddy |
48 | h | Investments for the newborn: 529 / Roth IRA / UGMA-UTMA / Dependent Care FSA | 01/31 | FireToBiz | 16:07 ClaireB1000 |
1250 | t | Taxation of Treasury bills, notes and bonds | 2022 | Kevin M | 16:06 KeepinItPositiv |
6 | h | Mebane Faber's "Shareholder Yield Fund" (SYLD): Thoughts? | 2013 | cinghiale | 16:06 arcticpineapple |
8 | p | 529 1099-Q on kids return shows tax owed | 12:03 | SammyDJ | 16:05 GoldStar |
1 | p | IRS 709 form question for 2024 | 01/22 | petras52 | 16:01 PNW2335 |
4 | t | How to manage AA when using an LMP Ladder + Growth Portfolio | 11:19 | WoodSpinner | 16:01 bobcat2 |
5 | t | How to fill the TIPS gap for 2035-2040? | 02/12 | gwu11 | 16:01 ncdcpa |
1 | h | Tax-Efficient Fund Placement when out of space in 401k | 15:58 | Hot Sauce | 16:01 livesoft |
5 | p | Gift Tax Form 709 | 02/07 | mayoman | 15:57 PNW2335 |
11 | c | Slide in gas Range [Looking for replacement] | 02/15 | Milatosca | 15:56 Epsilon Delta |
8 | h | Charitable Contributions via Regular Income or QCDs? | 13:01 | cjohnston2 | 15:54 toddthebod |
38 | p | Is there a page for Medicare questions | 18:59 | goldfinger22 | 15:53 mkc |
22 | p | Online Taxes (OLT) experts - form 1116 | 08:35 | feh | 15:52 nalor511 |
69 | c | Is using an SSD external drive worth it for backups? | 02/12 | theac | 15:47 Epsilon Delta |
1355 | t | Vanguard Cash Plus Account | 2024 | stan1 | 15:47 VaR |
23 | p | [Form 8606 question] | 02/08 | SHADI8331 | 15:43 ssel |
8221 | c | What are you listening to now | 2020 | Artful Dodger | 15:39 AlohaBill |
22 | t | Static asset allocation for life (e.g., 60% stocks/40% bonds) or Glide Path (e.g., 90% stocks to 30%...) | 02/14 | TrustTheMarket | 15:39 arenner |
29 | n | Summary of 401K/IRA taxation for US 'tax resident' living in the UK? | 12/03 | sgp | 15:38 Epsilon Delta |
3 | p | cool discovery: Free TaxUSA appears to offer free state efiles if AGI < $48K | 11:45 | dodecahedron | 15:35 jsandra |
17 | p | 0% interest loan to Son | 18:53 | AWCM | 15:32 fogalog |
20 | h | Moving TSP should I meet with Fidelity Rep | 02/15 | Letizia48 | 15:31 rich126 |
16 | p | Question on rent vs buy | 11:28 | goldfinger22 | 15:28 Carefreeap |
2 | p | Where did Block (HRB) Get That Number (Virginia) | 13:59 | ArtMan | 15:28 gotoparks |
16 | h | Fidelity: 2024 % US Oblgations Report ?? | 06:21 | SanityCheck | 15:19 Drew31 |
11 | c | Online Secure Storage - FidSafe vs other options | 2018 | Madbull | 15:19 otinkyad |
789 | t | A time to EVALUATE your jitters | 2011 | nisiprius | 15:17 Harmanic |
20 | c | Home Reno - wiring to add, smart home? | 17:55 | mchampse | 15:17 TheDDC |
6 | c | Current Appliance prices - should I wait? | 12:09 | Saving$ | 15:10 LadyGeek |
25 | c | New home security - overkill? | 02/14 | retire57 | 15:10 dcdowden |
3 | p | Can I claim a 30% tax credit for my Velux skylights? | 14:44 | a.s.r | 15:09 a.s.r |
5 | p | Accrued Interest Tax Entry | 11:28 | curiouskitty | 15:00 talzara |
10 | p | Rolling over TSP to IRA—mechanics | 01/28 | dual | 15:00 dual |
6971 | c | [What TV Show Have You Recently Watched?] | 2016 | dbCooperAir | 14:57 roamingzebra |
10 | h | Ideas for cash investing | 05:21 | trjack57 | 14:53 radiowave |
8 | c | Marketplace seller , Amazon shipping | 09:41 | Nyc10036 | 14:48 talzara |
5 | h | AA with or without Bond Ladder? | 10:57 | Padlin | 14:39 rkhusky |
1736 | c | [On-going Scams - Post them here] | 2019 | ketanco | 14:34 Mudpuppy |
32 | p | Surprised by IRS Tax Return processing speed for 2024 tax returns | 02/05 | Namashkar | 14:30 EnjoyIt |
135 | p | Final approach to Medicare – age 64 | 01/09 | FreddieFIRE | 14:29 FreddieFIRE |
0 | p | HR Block form 8880 bug | 14:24 | vtMaps | |
13 | p | Tax Reporting Q:Teen's 1st job, 1099 & Overcontribution to Roth IRA | 21:02 | DolphinYay | 14:18 toddthebod |
62 | p | Funding Daughter's Doctor of Vet Medicine Advice | 02/13 | Steve723 | 14:18 thedayisbrave |
1 | h | TreasuryDirect bonds on death of first owner in dual registered bonds | 12:18 | Hebell | 14:16 chemocean |
16 | t | 2024 tax costs for value ETFs | 22:53 | grabiner | 14:14 Nathan Drake |
5 | t | A portion of VTSAX/VTI dividends may be exempt from state tax? | 2023 | Kookaburra | 14:09 intendi |
25 | h | "buying" a COLA | 02/14 | AlaskaTeach | 14:08 bogling |
13 | h | Advisor retiring soon - what should I do? | 20:29 | Elmerc5 | 14:08 Elmerc5 |
10 | c | Air Travel | 22:15 | ChessFan | 14:07 anil686 |
21 | h | Portfolio review and practical advice for recent layoff | 02/15 | Silversides | 14:02 stan1 |
7 | h | Delving into XHLF - guidance please | 09:29 | tenkuky | 14:02 whodidntante |
48 | c | Microsoft Windows Defender Scam? | 02/13 | hoops777 | 14:01 bberris |
10 | p | Will or Trust advice, scholarship fund | 09:16 | ch4au2 | 13:59 Mitchell777 |
19 | h | Best retirement plan for LLC- ER doctor | 02/07 | medicineman694 | 13:56 EnjoyIt |
10 | p | Excess Roth Contribution, with profit. Taxes? | 02/14 | Johnsson | 13:56 Johnsson |
9 | p | Capital Gain on Sale of Inherited House | 07:14 | OpenMinded1 | 13:43 CAsage |
5 | c | Mailbox that fits over existing post? | 11:58 | AlmstRtrd | 13:38 Beensabu |
41 | c | Have any of you had a hair transplant? If so, were you happy with the results? | 01/19 | max79 | 13:32 max79 |
1435 | t | Total Portfolio Allocation and Withdrawal (TPAW) | 2020 | Ben Mathew | 13:29 Ben Mathew |
39 | h | Vanguard Fund Tax Analysis & Efficiency (2018 to 2024) | 2024 | retiringwhen | 13:28 brightlightston |
4 | p | What to do with Passive Income Carryover from 2023 | 02/14 | HoneyBee | 13:25 BlizzardPearl |
8557 | p | Bank of America/Merrill Edge - Preferred Rewards | 2014 | navyitaly | 13:20 leland |
23 | c | Answering unknown phone number | 06:01 | Striker | 13:19 neilpilot |
17 | p | Tax on Foreign Gifts | 02/11 | JD7 | 13:16 TedSwippet |
95 | t | TIPs Jason Zweig follow up WSJ | 02/08 | Parkinglotracer | 13:13 bmstrong |
309 | l | New York City Local Chapter established | 2013 | quanuec | 13:12 Flying Penguin |
10 | h | What if I only need funds for 10 years…Safe withdrawal rate and glide path | 02/15 | flyboy07 | 13:12 flyboy07 |
24 | h | Portfolio Analysis for Mom's estate Please | 01/25 | jbogler | 13:08 bonesly |
253 | c | What is your favorite non fiction book? | 2021 | retire14 | 13:04 TomatoTomahto |
33 | t | WhiteCoatInvestor: At 0% LTCG, Taxable account acts almost exactly like a Roth IRA | 02/13 | GrilledSardines | 13:03 newparent7 |
154 | h | What happened to Vanguard's Portfolio Watch? | 02/25 | Rockbottomdwell | 13:00 Clarky |
1 | p | 8606 Form | 12:53 | SHADI8331 | 13:00 mhalley |
21 | p | Life Insurance and Critical Insurance thru Work? | 02/14 | jumbo shrimp | 12:54 Stinky |
30 | p | Hidden tax data on Vanguard tax statement [US gov't obligations buried in footnotes] | 02/02 | grabiner | 12:49 LadyGeek |
1 | n | Japan Investment options in JPY for a non-resident | 12:15 | nihondaisuki | 12:44 Valuethinker |
13 | h | Investment diversification into Small Cap Funds???? | 02/14 | atwnsw | 12:44 bonesly |
31 | h | S&P Indexes Too Heavy with “Magnificent 7”? | 21:08 | lulushulu | 12:43 jjj_22 |
2 | t | Vanguard Cap Market Model and TVAA- Vanguards calculation doesn't match up | 11:44 | BigFatGator | 12:40 BitTooAggressiv |
13 | p | Credit cards with hard balance limits | 10:11 | Beliavsky | 12:38 criticalmass |
5 | p | More RSU wash sale questions | 02:22 | apbay | 12:35 mrb09 |
17 | p | TurboTax where to enter % US govt obligation | 18:13 | Tracker968 | 12:30 stan1 |
22 | p | a non-minor flaw with freetaxusa (no e-file with form 1116) | 02/15 | feh | 12:22 nalor511 |
71 | t | Diamond NestEgg | 08/15 | artbuc | 12:21 zaplunken |
15 | p | Parents CPA | 02/15 | moxie_mm | 12:20 nedsaid |
20 | p | Relationship banking for mortgages? Is it real? | 02/14 | manlymatt83 | 12:15 tstearns |
30 | c | Securing financial paperwork while traveling [Encrypted USB drive] | 02/14 | faienxdcjebaaP | 12:11 Doctor Rhythm |
15 | h | 20% in TIPS fund (FIPDX) | 2021 | big bang | 12:02 bmstrong |
8 | p | Medicare B, Tricare for Life, IRMAA, FEHB | 2021 | psturm | 11:58 somedays |
5 | n | U.S. Treasury 0-1 Year Bond UCITS ETF - (USD) Accumulating (VDST) | 02/15 | Michelangelo202 | 11:46 DJN |
3 | h | Asset allocation review request | 06:57 | sg77 | 11:44 retired@50 |
41 | p | Pet Insurance | 02/13 | HighLonesome | 11:41 socalsal |
779 | t | Bill Sharpe's preferred portfolio | 2017 | Quark | 11:35 watchnerd |
19 | h | TIPS equivalents for TIPS aficionados concerned about concentration | 02/11 | pjddjp007 | 11:33 pjddjp007 |
17 | c | Best month to see Northern Lights from Tromso, Norway | 11/10 | imyeti2 | 11:29 veggivet |
30 | p | Can We Coast FIRE? | 02/13 | takeabiteoflife | 11:28 ch4au2 |
10 | h | Why does VTSAX hold CTHR, Postal Bank of China? | 10/19 | patrickscott | 11:27 sycamore |
49 | t | Income $120,000, taxes $0 in 2023 | 2022 | OverseasBH | 11:27 mhadden1 |
65 | c | Low-to-moderate COL areas (e.g., decent house <$1million) that have good public schools? | 02/14 | phositadc | 11:24 rufflesinc |
74 | c | Mom is upside down on car she can't afford nor drive | 02/10 | WillyMcG | 11:15 Valuethinker |
9 | c | Is finely ground the only option when ordering Lavazza or Illy online? | 02/14 | soretired | 11:12 soretired |
28 | p | California trustee obligates trust to pay tax to state? | 02/15 | dmcmahon | 11:11 bsteiner |
3 | n | UK - Approaching retirement | 07:51 | Stamford1905 | 11:06 Valuethinker |
3 | t | 529 Investment Options | 02/15 | tweet737 | 11:02 JazzTime |
1 | l | New Jersey Chapter | 01/12 | wojo_ate_ur_cat | 10:58 wojo_ate_ur_cat |
21 | h | Helping my mom, part 2 portfolio review | 02/14 | robotmarker | 10:47 HipCoyote |
25 | h | Fixed Annuities to De-Risk Portfolio in Retirement? | 02/13 | slownsteady24 | 10:45 iim7V7IM7 |
3 | h | Looking for a financial advisor in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) | 01/30 | jasonk35000 | 10:43 TrustingSoul |
0 | f | Bookmarks / Subcriptions / Watched Topics? | 10:35 | yankees60 | |
7 | p | Question about contributions to Roth IRA and Roth 401k exceeding earned income when totaled | 10:01 | lucha | 10:31 terran |
7 | p | Turbo Tax refund 2024 | 02/09 | trueson1 | 10:29 trueson1 |
7673 | p | Fidelity as a one stop shop | 2018 | BogleMelon | 10:24 michaeljc70 |
47 | p | Career Advice for middle-aged Fed | 02/07 | motorcyclesarec | 10:22 finite_differen |
2 | h | Vanguard International Small Value | 10:01 | prk | 10:19 retired@50 |
49 | p | Who is using a personal finance app? | 2023 | moneygirl3 | 10:18 GBGilbert |
136 | f | Bogleheads Forum website running VERY slow? | 09/05 | Stinky | 10:17 notmyname |
10 | p | Taxation of Non-Qualified Variable Annuity Withdrawals | 02/15 | dflaher | 10:15 dflaher |
25 | t | First time TIPS buyer. Who buys on secondary market? | 02/03 | Woodshark | 10:14 exodusing |
214 | t | Vanguard says international will beat US stocks in next decade | 2018 | jstatton | 10:12 watchnerd |
15 | c | Another question on Turbo Tax | 02/14 | dodgy55 | 10:09 stan1 |
23 | p | Pub502 and Assisted Living Tax Deduction | 03/14 | SmileyFace | 09:56 toddthebod |
18 | c | Headed to Ireland | 02/15 | houseofnine | 09:53 mary1969 |
65 | p | FreeTaxUSA is out! | 11/25 | GuyInFL | 09:52 GoldStar |
107 | c | Recommendations for cordless electric snow blower suitable for northeast | 2024 | WoostaGal | 09:50 prd1982 |
5 | n | USA to Germany Tax Implications | 02/14 | ReluctantAccoun | 09:50 TedSwippet |
1 | p | "Visa debit" versus "US debit" at an ATM | 09:23 | syc | 09:42 PottedPlant |
454 | t | Why Roth conversions always pay off—if you can hold on long enough [Update 2/2025] | 2021 | McQ | 09:39 Exchme |
0 | p | SPDR BIL ETF, percent interest attributable to US government obligations for tax year 2024 | 09:31 | flyingcows | |
69 | t | Charlie Ellis’ new book “Rethinking Investing” | 02/10 | TrustTheMarket | 09:16 iim7V7IM7 |
8 | p | RSU and 1099B question | 02/13 | ROIGuy | 09:07 diy60 |
31 | c | Financially smart way to get rid of a used vehicle? | 02/15 | playboy_number9 | 09:05 yankees60 |
39 | c | New car: now or wait a year? | 02/15 | BradleyB | 09:03 BradleyB |
360 | c | How do you utilize AI (artificial intelligence)? | 2023 | tetractys | 09:02 yankees60 |
17 | h | Thoughts on VWINX? | 02/15 | js2 | 08:45 KEotSK66 |
8 | h | Buying new 30 yr TIPS at Vanguard | 02/14 | LuckyGuy | 08:33 IDpilot |
61 | h | Does Roth 401k make sense? | 02/08 | Drafty33 | 08:29 TrustingSoul |
27 | p | Service to monitor court records to avoid a potential default judgement? | 02/11 | Yarlonkol12 | 08:28 michaeljc70 |
3 | h | Where to place short term cash for college and protect from taxation | 07:16 | Stillwater1971 | 08:20 KingRiggs |
3176 | t | Purchasing MYGAs (multi year guaranteed annuities) - mega thread | 2020 | Stinky | 07:26 LadyGeek |
10 | p | Doing 2024 taxes after doing a 403b traditional to Roth rollover in 2024. | 02/10 | icbmwapg41 | 07:20 terran |
27 | c | WhatsApp - messaging platform | 02/14 | rjbraun | 07:19 snic |
155 | h | Treasury Direct - The Eternal Wait and No Way To Track Transfer | 2023 | Arctic Fox | 07:12 HistoryMD |
4 | h | VTWAX (Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund) current allocation | 05:02 | Claudia Whitten | 07:07 Cocoa Beach Bum |
8 | p | 529 arbitrage for cash flowing private secondary school | 02/14 | familythriftmd | 06:47 greenflamingo |
9 | c | PSA - Freezing Minor's Credit - Equifax | 02/15 | ThankYouJack | 06:44 rkhusky |
14 | h | Recommendation for hourly rate financial advisor | 02/10 | Rohrbaugh | 06:33 Penguin |
15 | p | Large ($25,000) Federal Income Tax Refund | 02/15 | Goodman60 | 05:26 Goodman60 |
34 | h | FA fees going up on my 401k plan. | 02/10 | SmallCityDave | 02:31 Northern Flicke |
5 | h | What is in an Empower Rollover IRA? | 02/15 | rgs92 | 01:29 123 |
14 | p | [Tax Help] Contributed 16K to IRA and converted to Roth in to fix | 02/15 | sparksfly | 01:22 toddthebod |
7 | t | Foreign tax credit and fund choice | 01/29 | grabiner | 23:01 grabiner |
9 | c | Sauces | 18:05 | Beensabu | 23:01 Dottie57 |
3 | t | Empower Issue - is there a bug? | 02/15 | dundee | 22:49 gavinsiu |
22 | h | 10 yr Treasury Note - Not understanding... | 02/07 | spartan777 | 22:43 Hebell |
1 | p | PSA: Citi Personal Wealth Management / Pershing VXUS / VTIAX FTC Calculation Error | 22:07 | RobotsRock | 22:32 beyou |
15 | h | Portfolio review request from a new investor | 02/14 | rach2025 | 21:55 bonesly |
1 | p | Which account to spend out of? | 19:57 | AnnetteLouisan | 21:48 swak |
28 | t | Fund your Roth IRA as early as possible each year | 02/12 | heyyou | 21:47 toddthebod |
9 | c | Social Security and Medicare Timing when within 4 months | 11/09 | RobotsRock | 21:38 RobotsRock |
35 | h | What investments guarantee the principle... | 02/01 | Bennie | 21:19 Hyperchicken |
3 | h | Why are ordinary Div.of foreign on 1099-DIV more than received? Should I stop reinvestment? | 02/08 | DolphinYay | 21:16 DolphinYay |
2 | p | Form not available on FreeTaxUSA, dont want to start over | 02/12 | muel87 | 20:43 muel87 |
60 | c | Cost of dental visit | 03/13 | tc101 | 20:25 gunny |
83 | b | Roll Call for the Retirement Class of 2025! | 07/05 | Miriam2 | 20:11 AlaskaTeach |
22 | c | Woodpecker siding damage | 12/28 | am | 20:03 TBillT |
11 | h | US Bancorp Investment account for US Bank 4% CC cashback | 02/02 | indexfundfan | 19:58 indexfundfan |
12 | p | IRMAA tier questions | 02/14 | john0608 | 19:55 TBillT |
132 | t | Vanguard is creating a T-Bill ETF | 12/01 | capybara11 | 19:48 bogling |
0 | c | 2025 Mini Countryman - Thoughts? | 19:47 | MisterCruise | |
36 | p | QCD - How many? | 01/07 | PinotGris | 19:47 vtMaps |
1 | p | Qualified Disaster Recover Distribution and withholding | 02/13 | jtk | 19:18 FullsideCoverma |
21 | t | William Sharpe is conflicted about hedged vs unhedged foreign bonds | 02/13 | TrustTheMarket | 19:08 djm2001 |
1268 | c | So what are you cooking | 2020 | Skeeter1 | 19:06 snic |
53 | c | Dual enrollment in high school or not? | 02/10 | TarHeel2002 | 19:01 rufflesinc |
0 | h | Understanding TIPS gain computation | 18:48 | WishingWell | |
37 | t | Help with XPath for ImportXML Google Sheets. | 2014 | NOgmacks | 18:47 koalb |
13 | h | Portfolio annual rate of return for mutual funds with different start dates | 02/15 | Cincy_1988 | 18:34 Cincy_1988 |
14 | t | How to accurately compare tax-exempt vs. taxable funds? | 02/15 | overthought | 18:30 Hacksawdave |
21 | t | SGOV yield vs Fidelity cash management MM funds (FZFXX, SPAXX) | 02/02 | hmw | 18:26 BuglheadLuvsLon |
19 | h | Portfolio Review Request | 01/25 | Caliscotsman | 18:23 Caliscotsman |
15 | p | Considering consulting, how to structure pay | 02/14 | corn18 | 18:22 corn18 |
67 | p | Any downside to disenrolling in FEHB Medicare Part D? | 11/24 | Loon11 | 18:21 ChrisC |
12 | p | Credit Card 1099-MISC: adjusting valuation? | 02/10 | enderland | 18:12 AnEngineer |
86 | c | Nighttime Driving - Oncoming Headlights | 02/13 | jayjayc | 18:01 yankees60 |
4 | p | Exercising NQSOs and paying down mortgage | 2024 | Sunny3321 | 18:00 mhc |
57 | p | The Cheapest & Best Tax Prep Software for 2025: A Comparison Review | 01/30 | yankees60 | 17:57 neurosphere |
4 | p | Rent vs. Buy | 02/15 | ChickenParmSand | 17:52 bombcar |
18 | p | Having to call in (to stop tinkering) with cash | 02/15 | peterwantstosav | 17:39 Hacksawdave |
4868 | p | Share your net worth progression | 2014 | techcrium | 17:17 steadyosmosis |
3 | p | Missouri Tax Return Income Splits | 02/15 | rivercrosser | 17:11 bbqguru |
15 | t | Morningstar rating | 02/12 | robotmarker | 17:05 Faith20879 |
374 | t | Rate of change in AI [DeepSeek (Chinese AI) impacting market] | 01/26 | Kevin K | 16:55 exodusing |
160 | t | What's happening with Muni Money Market fund yields? | 2020 | GreendaleCC | 16:55 Hacksawdave |
Subforum key: h = Personal Investments t = Investing - Theory, News & General p = Personal Finance n = Non-US Investing s = Spain u = United Arab Emirates c = Personal Consumer Issues b = Bogleheads Community l = US Local Chapters I = Non-US Local Chapters f = Forum Issues and Administration
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