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Bogleheads® is the title adopted by many of the investing enthusiasts who participate in this site. The term is intended to honor Vanguard founder and investor advocate John Bogle.

The Bogleheads® emphasize starting early, living below one's means, regular saving, broad diversification, simplicity, and sticking to one's investment plan regardless of market conditions.

This site is composed of two primary resources: our Wiki and our Forum.

The Wiki is a comprehensive investing and personal finance reference that was built and is maintained by members of the Bogleheads® community. Many newcomers find that a good way to begin is by reading these Wiki articles: Getting Started and the Bogleheads' investment philosophy.

On the Forum, members discuss financial news and theory. The members also welcome less experienced investors who have questions about investing or who need help to develop their portfolios. The most recent Forum posts are summarized below.

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1449 new posts and replies over 223 topics in last day (sorted by Latest Reply). Days: 1 2 3
# Replies Subforum - Topic TitleFirst Last   
Subforum - TopicLast   
16hPortfolio Review Request11:08 bogleboy16:47 Duckie
4tSheryl Garrett sells her Garrett Planning network06/21 JAZZISCOOL16:46 USAFperio
23tFear, not risk, explains asset pricing02/13 McQ16:46 McQ
14hNeed portfolio review and retirement advice please02/13 sivpar16:45 Wiggums
9pAdditional Medicare Tax - not getting adjustment in TaxAct amended return14:10 adamsdp16:44 toddthebod
21pFICA optimization for an S-Corp20:28 SeattleSTR16:43 SeattleSTR
1pCan I skip to File Taxes for a $1000 Capital Gain on My Child’s UTMA/UGMA Account in Federal and NJ?16:35 sharukh16:43 secondcor521
172cBest watch for $5,000+2020 LadyGeek16:41 BillyK
76pCritical mass? Not saving another dollar (in theory)02/14 TarHeel200216:41 warner25
243t“100% stocks for retirement? A new study says dump the 60/40 portfolio and target-date funds.“02/13 TrustTheMarket16:39 Hot Sauce
0cUsing US Mobile in Mexico?16:39 LaurenRose 
4pHow do I file IRS Form 709 (Gift Tax Return)?14:03 cppat16:38 toddthebod
85cWhat to outsource? Willing to trade money for more time05/19 Hubub16:38 FIRWYW
70f[Bogleheads forum site access issues]02/15 iim7V7IM716:34 FriedOkra
522tCovering the TIPS gap years with bracket year duration matching05/22 Kevin M16:30 MtnBiker
23pMight be getting fired, what do do between now and then, and after?12/06 GetItRight16:29 HomeStretch
3hPortfolio Review & Advice – TSP Roll-Out02/09 Casey9916:29 Casey99
5pBuying a condo for aging parents - tax/financial issues?13:50 GreenBoston198116:27 260chrisb
9hTransferring inherited Edward Jones account to Vanguard11:54 DeaconSig16:24 FGal
12h100 Baggers?14:28 billted16:23 Cocoa Beach Bum
20cCash Back Credit Card for Online Shopping2023 raveon16:22 anon_investor
8tI-bonds VS TIPS: Is the Lower Fixed Rate Worth the Tax Advantage?13:25 ultrastar16:22 jeffyscott
2492tVariable Percentage Withdrawal (VPW)2013 longinvest16:21 FiveK
12955cWhat Movie Have You Recently Watched?2014 abuss36816:20 bertilak
6cAttic and home insulation14:55 boglegardener16:16 Cletus Davenpor
35pMost cost effective way to exchange $1200 to Euros02/14 Myopic squirrel16:14 neilpilot
21pH&R block 1099 question re: dividends02/08 Tom_T16:13 urban
44hShould owning a vacation property be seen as diversification02/15 Stanczyk16:12 1hotjava
36t“Never Enough” by Jonathan Clements02/15 CalPoppy16:11 Wannaretireearl
67tBoglehead Method for Achieving 8-Figures Plus09:38 BizarroJerry16:09 Goof
22cMacBook Air - buy new, fix, or just keep using02/15 mbres6016:07 YeahBuddy
48hInvestments for the newborn: 529 / Roth IRA / UGMA-UTMA / Dependent Care FSA01/31 FireToBiz16:07 ClaireB1000
1250tTaxation of Treasury bills, notes and bonds2022 Kevin M16:06 KeepinItPositiv
6hMebane Faber's "Shareholder Yield Fund" (SYLD): Thoughts?2013 cinghiale16:06 arcticpineapple
8p529 1099-Q on kids return shows tax owed12:03 SammyDJ16:05 GoldStar
1pIRS 709 form question for 202401/22 petras5216:01 PNW2335
4tHow to manage AA when using an LMP Ladder + Growth Portfolio11:19 WoodSpinner16:01 bobcat2
5tHow to fill the TIPS gap for 2035-2040?02/12 gwu1116:01 ncdcpa
1hTax-Efficient Fund Placement when out of space in 401k15:58 Hot Sauce16:01 livesoft
5pGift Tax Form 70902/07 mayoman15:57 PNW2335
11cSlide in gas Range [Looking for replacement]02/15 Milatosca15:56 Epsilon Delta
8hCharitable Contributions via Regular Income or QCDs?13:01 cjohnston215:54 toddthebod
38pIs there a page for Medicare questions18:59 goldfinger2215:53 mkc
22pOnline Taxes (OLT) experts - form 111608:35 feh15:52 nalor511
69cIs using an SSD external drive worth it for backups?02/12 theac15:47 Epsilon Delta
1355tVanguard Cash Plus Account2024 stan115:47 VaR
23p[Form 8606 question]02/08 SHADI833115:43 ssel
8221cWhat are you listening to now2020 Artful Dodger15:39 AlohaBill
22tStatic asset allocation for life (e.g., 60% stocks/40% bonds) or Glide Path (e.g., 90% stocks to 30%...)02/14 TrustTheMarket15:39 arenner
29nSummary of 401K/IRA taxation for US 'tax resident' living in the UK?12/03 sgp15:38 Epsilon Delta
3pcool discovery: Free TaxUSA appears to offer free state efiles if AGI < $48K11:45 dodecahedron15:35 jsandra
17p0% interest loan to Son18:53 AWCM15:32 fogalog
20hMoving TSP should I meet with Fidelity Rep02/15 Letizia4815:31 rich126
16pQuestion on rent vs buy11:28 goldfinger2215:28 Carefreeap
2pWhere did Block (HRB) Get That Number (Virginia)13:59 ArtMan15:28 gotoparks
16hFidelity: 2024 % US Oblgations Report ??06:21 SanityCheck15:19 Drew31
11cOnline Secure Storage - FidSafe vs other options2018 Madbull15:19 otinkyad
789tA time to EVALUATE your jitters2011 nisiprius15:17 Harmanic
20cHome Reno - wiring to add, smart home?17:55 mchampse15:17 TheDDC
6cCurrent Appliance prices - should I wait?12:09 Saving$15:10 LadyGeek
25cNew home security - overkill?02/14 retire5715:10 dcdowden
3pCan I claim a 30% tax credit for my Velux skylights?14:44 a.s.r15:09 a.s.r
5pAccrued Interest Tax Entry11:28 curiouskitty15:00 talzara
10pRolling over TSP to IRA—mechanics01/28 dual15:00 dual
6971c[What TV Show Have You Recently Watched?]2016 dbCooperAir14:57 roamingzebra
10hIdeas for cash investing05:21 trjack5714:53 radiowave Marketplace seller , Amazon shipping09:41 Nyc1003614:48 talzara
5hAA with or without Bond Ladder?10:57 Padlin14:39 rkhusky
1736c[On-going Scams - Post them here]2019 ketanco14:34 Mudpuppy
32pSurprised by IRS Tax Return processing speed for 2024 tax returns02/05 Namashkar14:30 EnjoyIt
135pFinal approach to Medicare – age 6401/09 FreddieFIRE14:29 FreddieFIRE
0pHR Block form 8880 bug14:24 vtMaps 
13pTax Reporting Q:Teen's 1st job, 1099 & Overcontribution to Roth IRA21:02 DolphinYay14:18 toddthebod
62pFunding Daughter's Doctor of Vet Medicine Advice02/13 Steve72314:18 thedayisbrave
1hTreasuryDirect bonds on death of first owner in dual registered bonds12:18 Hebell14:16 chemocean
16t2024 tax costs for value ETFs22:53 grabiner14:14 Nathan Drake
5tA portion of VTSAX/VTI dividends may be exempt from state tax?2023 Kookaburra14:09 intendi
25h"buying" a COLA02/14 AlaskaTeach14:08 bogling
13hAdvisor retiring soon - what should I do?20:29 Elmerc514:08 Elmerc5
10cAir Travel22:15 ChessFan14:07 anil686
21hPortfolio review and practical advice for recent layoff02/15 Silversides14:02 stan1
7hDelving into XHLF - guidance please09:29 tenkuky14:02 whodidntante
48cMicrosoft Windows Defender Scam?02/13 hoops77714:01 bberris
10pWill or Trust advice, scholarship fund09:16 ch4au213:59 Mitchell777
19hBest retirement plan for LLC- ER doctor02/07 medicineman69413:56 EnjoyIt
10pExcess Roth Contribution, with profit. Taxes?02/14 Johnsson13:56 Johnsson
9pCapital Gain on Sale of Inherited House07:14 OpenMinded113:43 CAsage
5cMailbox that fits over existing post?11:58 AlmstRtrd13:38 Beensabu
41cHave any of you had a hair transplant? If so, were you happy with the results?01/19 max7913:32 max79
1435tTotal Portfolio Allocation and Withdrawal (TPAW)2020 Ben Mathew13:29 Ben Mathew
39hVanguard Fund Tax Analysis & Efficiency (2018 to 2024)2024 retiringwhen13:28 brightlightston
4pWhat to do with Passive Income Carryover from 202302/14 HoneyBee13:25 BlizzardPearl
8557pBank of America/Merrill Edge - Preferred Rewards2014 navyitaly13:20 leland
23cAnswering unknown phone number06:01 Striker13:19 neilpilot
17pTax on Foreign Gifts02/11 JD713:16 TedSwippet
95tTIPs Jason Zweig follow up WSJ Tipsladder.com02/08 Parkinglotracer13:13 bmstrong
309lNew York City Local Chapter established2013 quanuec13:12 Flying Penguin
10hWhat if I only need funds for 10 years…Safe withdrawal rate and glide path02/15 flyboy0713:12 flyboy07
24hPortfolio Analysis for Mom's estate Please01/25 jbogler13:08 bonesly
253cWhat is your favorite non fiction book?2021 retire1413:04 TomatoTomahto
33tWhiteCoatInvestor: At 0% LTCG, Taxable account acts almost exactly like a Roth IRA02/13 GrilledSardines13:03 newparent7
154hWhat happened to Vanguard's Portfolio Watch?02/25 Rockbottomdwell13:00 Clarky
1p8606 Form12:53 SHADI833113:00 mhalley
21pLife Insurance and Critical Insurance thru Work?02/14 jumbo shrimp12:54 Stinky
30pHidden tax data on Vanguard tax statement [US gov't obligations buried in footnotes]02/02 grabiner12:49 LadyGeek
1nJapan Investment options in JPY for a non-resident12:15 nihondaisuki12:44 Valuethinker
13hInvestment diversification into Small Cap Funds????02/14 atwnsw12:44 bonesly
31hS&P Indexes Too Heavy with “Magnificent 7”?21:08 lulushulu12:43 jjj_22
2tVanguard Cap Market Model and TVAA- Vanguards calculation doesn't match up11:44 BigFatGator12:40 BitTooAggressiv
13pCredit cards with hard balance limits10:11 Beliavsky12:38 criticalmass
5pMore RSU wash sale questions02:22 apbay12:35 mrb09
17pTurboTax where to enter % US govt obligation18:13 Tracker96812:30 stan1
22pa non-minor flaw with freetaxusa (no e-file with form 1116)02/15 feh12:22 nalor511
71tDiamond NestEgg08/15 artbuc12:21 zaplunken
15pParents CPA02/15 moxie_mm12:20 nedsaid
20pRelationship banking for mortgages? Is it real?02/14 manlymatt8312:15 tstearns
30cSecuring financial paperwork while traveling [Encrypted USB drive]02/14 faienxdcjebaaP12:11 Doctor Rhythm
15h20% in TIPS fund (FIPDX)2021 big bang12:02 bmstrong
8pMedicare B, Tricare for Life, IRMAA, FEHB2021 psturm11:58 somedays
5nU.S. Treasury 0-1 Year Bond UCITS ETF - (USD) Accumulating (VDST)02/15 Michelangelo20211:46 DJN
3hAsset allocation review request06:57 sg7711:44 retired@50
41pPet Insurance02/13 HighLonesome11:41 socalsal
779tBill Sharpe's preferred portfolio2017 Quark11:35 watchnerd
19hTIPS equivalents for TIPS aficionados concerned about concentration02/11 pjddjp00711:33 pjddjp007
17cBest month to see Northern Lights from Tromso, Norway11/10 imyeti211:29 veggivet
30pCan We Coast FIRE?02/13 takeabiteoflife11:28 ch4au2
10hWhy does VTSAX hold CTHR, Postal Bank of China?10/19 patrickscott11:27 sycamore
49tIncome $120,000, taxes $0 in 20232022 OverseasBH11:27 mhadden1
65cLow-to-moderate COL areas (e.g., decent house <$1million) that have good public schools?02/14 phositadc11:24 rufflesinc
74cMom is upside down on car she can't afford nor drive02/10 WillyMcG11:15 Valuethinker
9cIs finely ground the only option when ordering Lavazza or Illy online?02/14 soretired11:12 soretired
28pCalifornia trustee obligates trust to pay tax to state?02/15 dmcmahon11:11 bsteiner
3nUK - Approaching retirement07:51 Stamford190511:06 Valuethinker
3t529 Investment Options02/15 tweet73711:02 JazzTime
1lNew Jersey Chapter01/12 wojo_ate_ur_cat10:58 wojo_ate_ur_cat
21hHelping my mom, part 2 portfolio review02/14 robotmarker10:47 HipCoyote
25hFixed Annuities to De-Risk Portfolio in Retirement?02/13 slownsteady2410:45 iim7V7IM7
3hLooking for a financial advisor in the Twin Cities (Minnesota)01/30 jasonk3500010:43 TrustingSoul
0fBookmarks / Subcriptions / Watched Topics?10:35 yankees60 
7pQuestion about contributions to Roth IRA and Roth 401k exceeding earned income when totaled10:01 lucha10:31 terran
7pTurbo Tax refund 202402/09 trueson110:29 trueson1
7673pFidelity as a one stop shop2018 BogleMelon10:24 michaeljc70
47pCareer Advice for middle-aged Fed02/07 motorcyclesarec10:22 finite_differen
2hVanguard International Small Value10:01 prk10:19 retired@50
49pWho is using a personal finance app?2023 moneygirl310:18 GBGilbert
136fBogleheads Forum website running VERY slow?09/05 Stinky10:17 notmyname
10pTaxation of Non-Qualified Variable Annuity Withdrawals02/15 dflaher10:15 dflaher
25tFirst time TIPS buyer. Who buys on secondary market?02/03 Woodshark10:14 exodusing
214tVanguard says international will beat US stocks in next decade2018 jstatton10:12 watchnerd
15cAnother question on Turbo Tax02/14 dodgy5510:09 stan1
23pPub502 and Assisted Living Tax Deduction03/14 SmileyFace09:56 toddthebod
18cHeaded to Ireland02/15 houseofnine09:53 mary1969
65pFreeTaxUSA is out!11/25 GuyInFL09:52 GoldStar
107cRecommendations for cordless electric snow blower suitable for northeast2024 WoostaGal09:50 prd1982
5nUSA to Germany Tax Implications02/14 ReluctantAccoun09:50 TedSwippet
1p"Visa debit" versus "US debit" at an ATM09:23 syc09:42 PottedPlant
454tWhy Roth conversions always pay off—if you can hold on long enough [Update 2/2025]2021 McQ09:39 Exchme
0pSPDR BIL ETF, percent interest attributable to US government obligations for tax year 202409:31 flyingcows 
69tCharlie Ellis’ new book “Rethinking Investing”02/10 TrustTheMarket09:16 iim7V7IM7
8pRSU and 1099B question02/13 ROIGuy09:07 diy60
31cFinancially smart way to get rid of a used vehicle?02/15 playboy_number909:05 yankees60
39cNew car: now or wait a year?02/15 BradleyB09:03 BradleyB
360cHow do you utilize AI (artificial intelligence)?2023 tetractys09:02 yankees60
17hThoughts on VWINX?02/15 js208:45 KEotSK66
8hBuying new 30 yr TIPS at Vanguard02/14 LuckyGuy08:33 IDpilot
61hDoes Roth 401k make sense?02/08 Drafty3308:29 TrustingSoul
27pService to monitor court records to avoid a potential default judgement?02/11 Yarlonkol1208:28 michaeljc70
3hWhere to place short term cash for college and protect from taxation07:16 Stillwater197108:20 KingRiggs
3176tPurchasing MYGAs (multi year guaranteed annuities) - mega thread2020 Stinky07:26 LadyGeek
10pDoing 2024 taxes after doing a 403b traditional to Roth rollover in 2024.02/10 icbmwapg4107:20 terran
27cWhatsApp - messaging platform02/14 rjbraun07:19 snic
155hTreasury Direct - The Eternal Wait and No Way To Track Transfer2023 Arctic Fox07:12 HistoryMD
4hVTWAX (Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund) current allocation05:02 Claudia Whitten07:07 Cocoa Beach Bum
8p529 arbitrage for cash flowing private secondary school02/14 familythriftmd06:47 greenflamingo
9cPSA - Freezing Minor's Credit - Equifax02/15 ThankYouJack06:44 rkhusky
14hRecommendation for hourly rate financial advisor02/10 Rohrbaugh06:33 Penguin
15pLarge ($25,000) Federal Income Tax Refund02/15 Goodman6005:26 Goodman60
34hFA fees going up on my 401k plan.02/10 SmallCityDave02:31 Northern Flicke
5hWhat is in an Empower Rollover IRA?02/15 rgs9201:29 123
14p[Tax Help] Contributed 16K to IRA and converted to Roth in to fix02/15 sparksfly01:22 toddthebod
7tForeign tax credit and fund choice01/29 grabiner23:01 grabiner
9cSauces18:05 Beensabu23:01 Dottie57
3tEmpower Issue - is there a bug?02/15 dundee22:49 gavinsiu
22h10 yr Treasury Note - Not understanding...02/07 spartan77722:43 Hebell
1pPSA: Citi Personal Wealth Management / Pershing VXUS / VTIAX FTC Calculation Error22:07 RobotsRock22:32 beyou
15hPortfolio review request from a new investor02/14 rach202521:55 bonesly
1pWhich account to spend out of?19:57 AnnetteLouisan21:48 swak
28tFund your Roth IRA as early as possible each year02/12 heyyou21:47 toddthebod
9cSocial Security and Medicare Timing when within 4 months11/09 RobotsRock21:38 RobotsRock
35hWhat investments guarantee the principle...02/01 Bennie21:19 Hyperchicken
3hWhy are ordinary Div.of foreign on 1099-DIV more than received? Should I stop reinvestment?02/08 DolphinYay21:16 DolphinYay
2pForm not available on FreeTaxUSA, dont want to start over02/12 muel8720:43 muel87
60cCost of dental visit03/13 tc10120:25 gunny
83bRoll Call for the Retirement Class of 2025!07/05 Miriam220:11 AlaskaTeach
22cWoodpecker siding damage12/28 am20:03 TBillT
11hUS Bancorp Investment account for US Bank 4% CC cashback02/02 indexfundfan19:58 indexfundfan
12pIRMAA tier questions02/14 john060819:55 TBillT
132tVanguard is creating a T-Bill ETF12/01 capybara1119:48 bogling
0c2025 Mini Countryman - Thoughts?19:47 MisterCruise 
36pQCD - How many?01/07 PinotGris19:47 vtMaps
1pQualified Disaster Recover Distribution and withholding02/13 jtk19:18 FullsideCoverma
21tWilliam Sharpe is conflicted about hedged vs unhedged foreign bonds02/13 TrustTheMarket19:08 djm2001
1268cSo what are you cooking2020 Skeeter119:06 snic
53cDual enrollment in high school or not?02/10 TarHeel200219:01 rufflesinc
0hUnderstanding TIPS gain computation18:48 WishingWell 
37tHelp with XPath for ImportXML Google Sheets.2014 NOgmacks18:47 koalb
13hPortfolio annual rate of return for mutual funds with different start dates02/15 Cincy_198818:34 Cincy_1988
14tHow to accurately compare tax-exempt vs. taxable funds?02/15 overthought18:30 Hacksawdave
21tSGOV yield vs Fidelity cash management MM funds (FZFXX, SPAXX)02/02 hmw18:26 BuglheadLuvsLon
19hPortfolio Review Request01/25 Caliscotsman18:23 Caliscotsman
15pConsidering consulting, how to structure pay02/14 corn1818:22 corn18
67pAny downside to disenrolling in FEHB Medicare Part D?11/24 Loon1118:21 ChrisC
12pCredit Card 1099-MISC: adjusting valuation?02/10 enderland18:12 AnEngineer
86cNighttime Driving - Oncoming Headlights02/13 jayjayc18:01 yankees60
4pExercising NQSOs and paying down mortgage2024 Sunny332118:00 mhc
57pThe Cheapest & Best Tax Prep Software for 2025: A Comparison Review01/30 yankees6017:57 neurosphere
4pRent vs. Buy02/15 ChickenParmSand17:52 bombcar
18pHaving to call in (to stop tinkering) with cash02/15 peterwantstosav17:39 Hacksawdave
4868pShare your net worth progression2014 techcrium17:17 steadyosmosis
3pMissouri Tax Return Income Splits02/15 rivercrosser17:11 bbqguru
15tMorningstar rating02/12 robotmarker17:05 Faith20879
374tRate of change in AI [DeepSeek (Chinese AI) impacting market]01/26 Kevin K16:55 exodusing
160tWhat's happening with Muni Money Market fund yields?2020 GreendaleCC16:55 Hacksawdave

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